Around the web in week 44

Early 2009, I started using Friendfeed as a way to aggregate various sources of web links to share. August that year, Facebook bought FriendFeed, ripped out the innovators, and left the site to bleed to death. (I’m sure it felt less dramatic to the fine folks who built it.) I’ve had a nagging feeling since, […]

Ay caramba, Ubuntu 12.10: Get it right on Amazon!

Ay caramba, Ubuntu 12.10: Get it right on Amazon!: Another glimpse at the new Ubuntu, and at what makes it awkward. Mr. Shuttleworth has already declared that all your data belong to him…

“Don’t trust us? Erm, we have root. You do trust us with …

Around the web in week 42, 2012

Fundstücke published this week:

Privacywaakhond: privacybeleid Google in strijd met Europese regels16 Oct 2012, Janneke SlöetjesOp 16 oktober 2012 maakte de Franse privacywaakhond CNIL bekend dat Googles privacy policy in strijd…

Around the web in week 41, 2012

Fundstücke published this week:

Maakt het ons makkelijker, dat kost minder9 Oct 2012, Rejo ZengerIedereen is het er over eens: de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (Wob) werkt eigenlijk niet en moet wor…

Schneier on Security: The Importance of Security Engineering

The drugs don’t work: a modern medical scandal

The drugs don’t work: a modern medical scandal: The Guardian published an edited extract from Bad Pharma, by Ben Goldacre. A horrific story of where we have let the pharma industry take us. As terrible as the global banking crisis, with people actually…

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